
Privacy Policy

StudyAdelaide treats the handling of your personal information very seriously. To that end, StudyAdelaide has systems and procedures in place to protect your privacy in relation to the handling of your personal information.

We abide by the Australian Privacy Principles, which provide a scheme in relation to the collection, disclosure, use and storage of personal information. The Network’s objective is to handle information responsibly and provide you with some control over the way information about you is handled.

If you feel that StudyAdelaide has not dealt with your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles please let us know so we may have the opportunity to rectify and resolve the problem. Written complaints should be sent, with any supporting documentation, to:

GPO Box 2814

Usage of cookies and log files

When visiting the StudyAdelaide website, third parties may place cookies on your browser for targeted advertising purposes. To opt out of targeted advertising, some available third-party opt-out tools include: the Digital Advertising Alliance, the Network Advertising Initiative, and the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (Europe only). On ads served to you, click the logo of the provider (eg: AdChoices) positioned with the ad to learn more about interest-based advertising, who served the ad, and manage your ad options. You can also opt out of seeing personalised ads using the Network Advertising Initiative opt out tool.

Digital Advertising Alliance
Network Advertising Initiative
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (Europe only):

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