
There are a range of student-friendly housing options in Adelaide, including fully serviced and self-managed accommodation.

Female student sitting infront of a desk studying in a room

Student Accommodation Options

If you are living away from home for the first time, and you won't be staying with friends and family, staying in professional student accommodation for your first year is a great option. Student accommodation's often offer extra support throughout your stay and are a great way for you to settle into your new city and make new friends. 

The staff at your education institution can help you with accommodation services. Check out these websites for more information.

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Guide to Private Rentals

When you sign a lease to rent a house or flat (apartment), you are responsible for paying rent, paying for utilities, preparing your meals and providing your furniture (usually). You can find information about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant on the SA Government website.

Make sure you know about:

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Common Renting Terms




The money you pay to live in a rental home.


Usually the equivalent of four week’s rent. Your landlord lodges this money with the Tenancies Branch. You’ll get it back at the end of your lease, as long as you’ve left the property in good order and paid all rent. Make sure you get a receipt for your bond payment.


The person renting the property (you).


The owner of the property, or the property manager hired by the owner to manage the rental arrangements.


The property being rented.


When you are forced to move out of the property.

Inspection sheet

A form you fill out at the start of your lease to note any existing damages already there when you moved in.


Your gas, electricity and water services.

Contents insurance

Insurance you should consider taking out to cover your belongings from theft, fire and other damage.

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Helpful Contacts

Student Stories

Hear from international students about living and studying in Adelaide.

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