
Adelaide’s strong ties between industry and education create many job opportunities, from internships and part time work to graduate roles.

With an additional year of post-study work rights available in South Australia, you have time to build your career in Adelaide.

Understanding your Work Rights

If you’re working while you study, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities. Learn more about your work rights here.

Female student standing infront of a coffee machine

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Finding a Job

To help you take your next step in the Australian workforce, here are some tips on how to find your next job in Adelaide.

Male student sitting infront of laptop in a cafe

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Applying for a Job

To help you apply for your next job in Adelaide, here are five tips on how to apply for a job.

Table view of a person typing on laptop with ipad, paper and glasses

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Interviewing for a Job

Interviews are an important step in your job search journey. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your interview.

Female student sitting in an interview

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Employability Workshops

If you are looking at getting work experience or simply looking at enhancing your resume and employability skills, our employability workshops are for you. Learn more and register for our employability workshops.

International students sitting in a group and talking

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Employment Toolkit

Our employment toolkit provides you with a FREE resume and cover letter template, interview question examples and much more. Download from the range of resources available for you here.

Female sitting infront of a laptop in a library

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Internships, Work Experience and Volunteering

Internships, work experience and volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, gain industry experience and prepare yourself for entering the workforce. Learn more about internships, work experience and volunteering here.

Male student volunteering at the OzAsia Festival in Adelaide

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Graduate Careers

Adelaide graduates have made their marks across a number of different fields. Hear how they are building successful careers in Adelaide.

Female student sitting infront of a computer and designing on an iPad

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Industry Strengths

Adelaide offers excellent career opportunities in a range of growth industries. Learn more about the industry strengths in Adelaide and South Australia here.

Buildings in Adelaide lit up at night time

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Migration Pathways

With various temporary and permanent migration pathways, South Australia offers a great opportunity for you to live, study and stay here longer. Learn more about your migration pathways here.

A male and two female students taking a selfie

Student Stories

Hear from international students about living and studying in Adelaide.

Read more stories