
An interview is a chance to show your future employer why they should hire you, what skills you have to offer and an opportunity to show how you would fit into the team.

Female student sitting in an interview

Interview Tips

  • Come prepared to answer questions about your strengths, weaknesses, challenges and accomplishments.
  • Research the company and know what they’re about
  • Dress appropriately, lean towards conservative
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early, so you’re not flustered (and know where you’re going before you leave home)
  • Be friendly and enthusiastic
  • Pay attention and maintain eye contact
  • Be honest and focus on your strengths

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Online Interview Tips

Interviewing via video feels a lot different from meeting in person, but with preparation, you can ace your next interview, even if it’s online.

  • The usual rules still apply, so make sure to read our interview tips above and be prepared as if it was a face-to-face interview
  • Make sure you have a suitable computer or device and a good internet connection
  • Test your technology and program to make sure everything’s working well before your interview time
  • Find a quiet space with a neutral background. Preferably somewhere you can close the door
  • Avoid messy bedrooms, cluttered shelves or other busy backgrounds which could distract your interviewer
  • Turn off all distractions such as phones, TVs and other things that might interrupt your interview
  • Do a test run with a friend to check your technology and get used to answering questions via video
  • Make sure you’re well-lit so they can see you, and remember your posture as you speak to the camera
  • Make eye contact with your interviewer by looking directly at the camera, not at your screen
  • Pause for a second before responding to questions to make sure you don’t accidentally talk over the interviewer

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