
Getting around Adelaide is easy. With wide, flat streets, you can walk or cycle around the city. And our extensive public transport system will get you wherever you need to be.

Infographic of Transport options in Adelaide - bus, train, tram, walking, cycling, taxis, ride sharing, buying or hiring a car

Public Transport

Adelaide Metro is Adelaide’s public transport which covers the entire metropolitan region. It includes buses, trains and trams that run from the city out to the inner and outer suburbs.

If you’re a full time student using public transport regularly, you can buy a metroCARD which will allow you to ride on Adelaide’s buses, trains and trams at a discount. High School students can buy a student metroCARD, all other students will need to buy a concession metroCARD

Visit Adelaide Metro to find where to buy or recharge a metroCARD, get information about how to catch a bus, train or tram, and access to timetables, routes and maps. Find your nearest metroCARD agent to buy your metroCARD.

Hands holding green Adelaide Metro concession card infront of buildings

Use your metroCARD, by validating it each time you ride on a bus, train or tram (except the FREE ones).

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Free City Bus and Tram

The FREE City Connector bus loops around the city and up to North Adelaide. You can ride the tram for FREE between the Entertainment Centre and South Terrace (you must validate your ticket beyond these stops).

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From the Airport

Adelaide's city centre is only 7km from Adelaide Airport. There are buses, taxis and ride sharing options waiting at the airport to take you to your new home. Find out more about travelling to the city from Adelaide Airport.

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Other Transport Options

There are many ways to get around Adelaide, including:

  • Walking and cycling
  • Taxis and ride-sharing
  • Buying or hiring a car

Find out more about getting around Adelaide here.

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